Proto pie- Design Great Prototypes for Clients
There are many reasons to use ProtoPie. This tool has great designs that one can manage and can be used in the making of the prototype. Here are four major advantages.
1. Low learning cost of Proto pie
ProtoPie has a concept model that can be intuitively understood. Moreover, ProtoPie features a user interface similar to that of other graphics tools, allowing users with designing experience to quickly become accustomed to ProtoPie.
2. Code Free
ProtoPie allows users to create sophisticated prototypes without any code. Interaction Pieces in the forms of Triggers and Responses take the place of complex code as part of creating fully-featured prototypes.
3. Multi-finger gestures & sensors of Proto pie
ProtoPie supports simultaneous multi-touch input, making possible prototypes featuring interactions with two- or three-finger inputs. Moreover, ProtoPie can use the sensors built-in smartphones to create prototypes that are more complex than on-screen prototypes and allow for communication among different devices, as well as prototypes for service design.
4. Test on real phones
ProtoPie allows designers to test prototypes on actual devices, and that too on multiple devices simultaneously. ProtoPie can be used in a variety of scenarios, such as developer meetings or audience trials.
Proto pie Specification
1. Proto Pie is the easiest tool used to turn your UX design ideas into highly interactive prototypes for mobile, desktop, web, all the way to IoT.
2. Highly in demand.
3. Professional tool.
Proto pie- My Experience with proto pie:-
I have performed various Operations using Proto pie and it turnouts to be a very useful and a very professional tool that can help you design various prototypes and make good use of your inner design knowledge. It is not that much of a heavy or hard work just design something in mind and do it in the proto pie. Give proper transitions to it and there you go you are making a free design demo for a client that would easily understand what the actual product is going to look like.
Proto pie- Few of my Projects, (The easiest ones).
1. A 5 minutes work can design you this:-
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