Proto pie- Design Great Prototypes for Clients
Want To Design prototypes for clients..? 🤔 Heys guys welcome to my blog....!!! Today we are going to see a very useful and important tool that can be used to create great designs and transitions so as to make a good prototype. Today we are going to discuss really new and very interesting software that can be used to design various prototypes and designs. If you want to give your client a complete demo or prototype of an application or a design you are in the right place.😀 Proto pie What is Proto pie .........? ProtoPie is a prototyping tool for smart devices. ProtoPie makes elaborate prototypes possible without any coding, and these prototypes can be tested on actual devices. The software gives you a very clear and definite way of exploring various designs and making them into good prototypes Proto pie- Benefits of using Proto pie:- There are many reasons to use ProtoPie. This tool has great designs that one can manage and can be used in the making of the prototype....